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What are Phosphates in the Pool Water?
Phosphate is a natural component that can come from swimmers’ waste. Also, phosphates found in the pool are inorganic materials or substances that have the potential to feed and encourage algae growth in your swimming pool which could then lead to cloudy water. Only when this is out of control will it pose a problem for your pool and swimmers.
What Causes Phosphates in Pool Water?
Phosphates in pool water can be caused from the accumulation of natural debris, dust, fertilizers, skin residue and products such as lotions and moisturizers. Additionally, some municipalities have higher phosphate contents in their water, which could increase the presence of phosphates in your water if you are filling your pool often.
Do I Have Phosphates in My Pool Water?
The best way to know if your water contains phosphates is by testing your water with a phosphate test kit. Pretty much all pools have some level of phosphates. However, if you notice you’re having trouble with algae that could then lead to unexplained cloudiness, your phosphate levels could be at the root of these problems.
Why Should I Treat Phosphates in Pool Water?
This situation should be treated so that your pool does not prove to be a breeding ground for algae which could lead to other problems such as cloudy water and poor water quality.
Treatment for Phosphates in Pool Water
For the regular maintenance of your phosphate levels, use the ALL OUT ULTRA 4 in 1 product by Summer Smiles which helps reduce the presence of phosphates in your pool water.
In the case of water presenting a lot of phosphate problems, use CLARITA ULTRA 3 in 1 liquid treatment from Summer Smiles to solve this water problem.
How to Use ALL OUT ULTRA 4 in 1 or CLARITA 3 in 1
For your regular phosphate maintenance, add 240 mL to 480 mL of ALL OUT ULTRA 4 in 1 (based on the size of the pool, see packaging for more details). The liquid is added into the pool in front of the water return outlet.
For problems with phosphates in your pool water, add 240 mL to 480 mL of CLARITA ULTRA 3 in 1 (based on the size of the pool, see packaging for more details). Pour CLARITA ULTRA 3 in 1 in 1directly over the surface of the water while walking all around the pool for an even spread.
See the Directions for Use of ALL OUT ULTRA 4 in 1
See the Directions for Use of CLARITA ULTRA 3 in 1
Wait Time Before Swimming
After adding ALL OUT ULTRA 4 in 1 or CLARITA ULTRA 3 in 1, swimmers should wait 60 minutes before entering the pool.
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